
This Step Will make Facebook Debugger to Fix Thumbnails (2018)

You might own a personal blog, you might be a professional blogger or you may be an Internet Marketer, in any case, you won a WordPress site. Sometimes, you would want to share one of your posts to the largest social media platform like Facebook. So you copy the URL of your blog post and go to Facebook and paste the link in the Facebook’s write post box only to see that the thumbnail of the featured image of the post is wrong. So how do we fix the issue? Before going into the actual process, let’s first know the Facebook Debugger.

What is the Facebook Debugger?

Facebook Debugger Tool is not something new in the market. You might have heard about it a couple of times and some of you might even have used it. It’s a very handy tool, especially for developers. Ever shared a URL or a post on Facebook and experienced that:

  • The thumbnail of the link preview is different from the actual thumbnail of the post?
  • Some of the images are missing in the preview while originally they are there in the post?
  • A paragraph or a heading is different from the post?
  • You have updated your post while the preview still shows the old content?

So you have experienced the issue (or issues) and still can’t get around fixing the issue even after hitting the refresh button, for both the post and the Facebook timeline, like a hundred times. This is where the Facebook Debugger Tool comes in to resolve these issues.

Before we tell you how to resolve the issue, let’s first show you What caused the problem?
Those of you who don’t want to know where the problem occurred or any other details about the tool, click the link below to simply resolve your problem.

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What’s causing the Problem?

There are a lot of different reasons as to why Facebook is not showing the right images. The main reason that answers to the problems of 95% people reading this post is that Facebook cached an older version of your post and hasn’t updated  it yet.

#A little detail:

When you make some changes to your blog post, those changes do not occur instantly all over the internet, t takes time. Now, how much time it takes really depends on a lot of different factors. The only thing you need to know is that the Facebook Crawler hasn’t yet found your webpage.

It may take the Crawler a few days or even weeks to get to your website, only after that it’ll detect that the cached data of your webpage that is present in the Facebook’s database is different from the current version of your webpage. Since there is a variation, the Crawler will update the cache of your webpage in the database.

If you leave it to the Facebook Crawler, it will really take time. So what do you do in this case? You use the Facebook Debugger. By using this tool, you tell the Facebook, “I have made some changes in my webpage, you should also update it in your database”.

Using the Facebook Debugger


how the Facebook Debugger work

In 2010, Facebook launched the Facebook Debugger, which helps websites show their content on Facebook in a better manner.

The name looks a little intimidating, but the tool itself is rather very easy to use. Like any other platform or tool on the internet, there are cases in which this tool work and sometimes you’ll have to do more than Scrape your webpage to resolve your issue.

The Facebook Debugger was created to answer the issues that most commonly occur. If you are lucky, you might not have to dig too deep and the issue can be resolved.

Just google “Facebook Debugger Tool” and open the first link or click on the link given below to go to the Facebook Debugger Tool’s webpage. The webpage looks like this:

facebook debugger

In the space provided, paste the URL and click on “Debug“. It’ll open a page showing the featured image and other technical data, but you don’t need to care about most of them.

Just click on the “Scrape Again” button and it’ll update the data and show you the new preview. Usually, it takes 2 to 3 tries to update the cache.

Once it shows the updated thumbnail, you are good to go. Now, when you share the link on Facebook, it’ll show the updated version of your post.

Solution:Using an Example

The example given below will take you through a step-by-step guide to resolve your issues showing the results after each step, so that you can compare your progress.

A step-by-step guide:

  1. First of all, open this link to Facebook Debugger. It will show a page like this

facebook debugger fix

  1. The next step is to post the URL or link to your blog post (that you want to share in Facebook) in the box and click on the Debug button.
  2. The Debugger pulls on your old featured image like thisFacebook Debugger showing the old featured image
  3. In order to update that image, you have to click the Scrape Again button. After a few seconds, it’ll update the featured image, as shown belowFacebook Debugger showing updated featured image
  4. It might not work even after you have Scrapped the URL but don’t panic, it usually takes 2-3 tries to get the URL rolling. Just click the Scrape Again button a second time, and the second time is usually when it works. After it shows you the updated featured image, you are good to go.
  5. Now, when I share the newly scraped link on Facebook, it showes the updated featured image, like thisfacebook preview window showing updated featured image


Hopefully, your issues were resolved using the Facebook Debugger tool, and you now have a little better understanding of how this tool works and how to use it to fix the images on your WordPress website.

                                                  ##  Updated Guide ##


Have you ever posted a link to one of your blog posts on your website into a facebook ground only to see that your old featured image came up in the preview window?

As an example, I wanted to share the post about How to use the Facebook Password Sniper in one of my Facebook groups. Look at the featured image of the post below

blogpost updated featured image

and when I tried to share this link into a facebook group, the old featured image comes up in the facebook preview window like this

facebook preview box shows the old featured image


Similarly, you might have:

  • updated a snippet in the blog post
  • updated one of the images inside the post
  • changed or deleted something

but the changes doesn’t seem to have taken any effect when you share it on Facebook. It’s really annoying, right? So how do we fix this issue?

Those of you out there who want to know What’s causing this problem?, click here to read.

Others should continue reading this guide (cause it only shows you how to solve the problem without going into any details).

How to use Facebook Debugger to fix the issue?

To fix the issue, you’ll have to let the Facebook know that you’ve made some changes. So, how do we do that? That’s where Facebook Debugger comes into action.

So, there is a pretty easy way to do that. Facebook has a free toll called Facebook Debugger which will rescrape the URL for you, so that any changes you’ve made in your blogpost may be shown on Facebook as well.

A step-by-step guide:

  1. First of all, open this link to Facebook Debugger. It will show a  page like this
  2. Image showing how the Facebook Debugger Website page looks like
  3. The next step is to post the URL or link to your blog post (that you want to share in Facebook) in the box and click on the Debug button.
  4. The Debugger pulls on your old featured image like thisFacebook Debugger showing the old featured image
  5. In order to update that image, you have to click the Scrape Again button. After a few seconds, it’ll update the featured image, as shown belowFacebook Debugger showing updated featured image
  6. It might not work even after you have Scrapped the URL but don’t panic, it usually takes 2-3 tries to get the URL rolling. Just click the Scrape Again button a second time, and the second time is usually when it works. After it shows you the updated featured image, you are good to go.
  7. Now, when I share the newly scraped link on Facebook, it showes the updated featured image, like thisfacebook preview window showing updated featured image

I am pretty positive that this tool worked for you. But still, if you have any issues, let me know in the comment section below..


You cannot grow without Struggle. You cannot develop Strength without Resistance & without challenging yourself.

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